Monday, June 28, 2010

Jessica & Mike

Sometimes, when you are photographing someone's wedding, it can feel like you are just the hired help. I've been to weddings where the Bride resembled Bridezilla, or the inlaws were literally pushing me in the back towards somthing they wanted a photo of. I leave those weddings thinking I never want to do pictures for people again, that taking pictures is more of a hobby than something i HAVE to do. But then time goes by and I forget all about those feelings, and say yes to the next couple that comes along.

Mike and Jessica's wedding couldn't have been more opposite. Both super easy going and totally laid back. Jessica was the most calm bride and Mike couldn't have been any sweeter. Their love for each other shines out of them and you can't help but picture these two growing old together. I love it when two incredible people find each other!

Congratulations Mike and Jessica!












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